Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Take A Breath

I walked across a crowded street
A sea of eyes cut through me
And I saw you in the middle
Your upset face, you wear it well
You camoflauge the way you feel
When everything’s the matter

We’ve all been down that road before
Searching for that something more

Worlds are spinning round
There’s no sign of slowing down
So, won’t you take a breath?
Just take a breath
People change and promises are broken
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
Don’t forget to take a breath

Blink our eyes
Life’s rearranged
To our surprise, it’s still okay
It’s the way things happen
Summer comes and then it goes
Hold on tight and brace for cold
And it’s only for a moment

We’ve all been down that road before
Searching for that something more

Worlds are spinning round
There’s no sign of slowing down
So, won’t you take a breath?
Just take a breath
People change and promises are broken
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
Don’t forget to take a breath

Life isn’t suffocating
Air isn’t overrated

We’ve all been down that road before
Searching for that something more

Worlds are spinning round
There’s no sign of slowing down
So, won’t you take a breath?
Just take a breath
People change and promises are broken
Clouds can move and skies will be wide open
Don’t forget to take a breath

Friday, August 21, 2009

Test from Facebook describe me the best




10月28日〔太阳?魔术师〕 代表人物:比尔盖兹 口齿伶俐,热情、直率,凡事喜欢了解、参与; 喜欢发掘事实真相,具有研究精神;主 观强,具有开发和创新的才能。 优点是具有很好的领导和沟通能力,擅长外交,人际关系良好。 缺点是对别及自已的要求太高,控制欲很强。

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Free Newspaper, Free Movie Premier Ticket

Quickly grab a copy of Malaysia Today Free Newspaper every Thursday @ any lrt station or shopping complexes.Then, cut down the movie premier ticket coupon (as shown above) to redempt your ticket.

Remember to collect two different dated coupons & fill in your name,email & hp.no. to get 2 free tickets. Redemption is based on first come, first serve. Maximum 2 tickets per person. So, go early to redempt your ticket ya. ..!!!

Bring more friends & enjoy the movie screening...XD

Sunday, August 16, 2009

So Long, My Friendz

XOXO...I am BACK!!! Missed the story bout Emo for quite some time huh? Frankly speaking, that's the problem with Emo, & the worst thing is, when u b friended with 'em..XD. With the brand new pages coming up, u'll be lure into a more EMO-ing story of me....stay tune, i'll be bk in a short while...:p. "hv a break, hv a KIT KAT".

The Day After Convo...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


不知不觉的,期待的一天终于到了。但,内心的我并没感到特别的兴奋快乐。只感到一丝丝的悲伤。三年,说长不长,短不短。重陌生的路人,变成了班上的死当。难而还是有些不舍。虽然大家都说还会再见面的,但,我们都知道〉〉难,没空。人生就如此。只希望大家可以继续保持联系。原大家都能够一飞冲天 哦 。。!!!

在这大日子,当然少不了我可爱又三八的家人咯。。哈哈 !!在没父母亲陪伴成长的过程里,很感谢拥有各位的照护。让我坚强的面对一切。谢谢。。!!!

在这三年里,跟少不了的当然是三华这大家庭啦。。还要说吗?老实的说hor,一开始加入的时候其实感觉怪怪的呢。。。很不爽咯。每次都 SS 。但一起‘混’久了以后感觉还不错hor。。谢谢你们的热情招待。你们写的祝福卡片‘前程似锦’写对了。千万不要重返学哥学姐们的错误哦。。

当天少不了的大人物就是他们啦。让我在大学里重平凡又无聊的生活里变的多姿多彩。让我找到了自我。Thanks a lot to all da SEATRU gang & GK'ers....

Emo's Space

Emo's Space

Mes frères et sœurs

Mes frères et sœurs

王菲Faye Wong---不留

Expresso (express Yourself)