Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Autumn (2002)

We control the world
We use the endless sky above
And sometimes we believe….
Some say we make history through the air
We still breathe the same today

And when the land begins to call
The spirits they dance
The leaves they fall
The changes has begun and what remains
Not even thoughts, not even names

We can remember to forget
We can achieve the highest aims
But we won’t change the rules we’re depending on
Now the freaks of nature’s
Holding up the mirror to the haughty thoughts
Our brains are filled up
Don’t you feel the earth is trembling to heal
the wound we injured
The things are easy as they are

And when the time begins to fade
The side – scene changes because
it may be too late
We cannot keep up
We will be left behind
For now the land begins to call

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